Stone Type:- |
- Upright
Stone Dimensions:- |
- 88cm High
- 81cm Wide
- 20cm Thick
North Face:- |
- None
South Face:- |
- None
East Face:- |
- Here lyeth GEORGE STEWART procrate betwixt JAMES STEWART and JEAN McCLAREN.
He was born the 3rd day of March 1784. He died 25th February 1750
West Face:- |
- JS 1750 JMcC
- Memento Mori
- 'Although my dust is all about thee...<unreadable>...touch'
- 'Yet in my flesh shall I my God behould'
Emblems:- |
- Crown & Hammer; Skull; Crossed Bones; Upright Hourglass
Image:- |